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Things feel less certain than they used to. Many of us feel overwhelmed, anxious, isolated, lonely, and depressed. We feel lost. At the heart of our sense of hopelessness we usually find separation - disconnection from others, ourselves, our environment, and our deeper nature. We experience pain and shame for feeling disconnected. I want to help you accept these times for what they are, and show you that you do not face them alone.

I offer a space of safety where together we can move through the mental and emotional distress of hopelessness - loneliness, grief, depression, anxiety, panic, trauma, existential crisis, neuroses - back into connection and relationship with ourselves, others, and life. I do not believe we have to be fixed or improved - we do not have to be ashamed of who we are.

I strive to be simple, sincere and honest, and to listen to you - no matter who you are or what you are facing. If, like so many others right now, you feel stuck, confused or afraid - feeling there must be more to life than struggling - my door is always open to you.

Counseling and Support

Feeling lost, isolated, estranged, or alienated.

Anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief.

Feeling burdened, empty, or abandoned.

Separation and disconnection from relationships.

Seeking meaning, purpose, and direction.

Hopelessness about the world and times we live in.

Worries about environmental and societal degradation.

Religious and spiritual trauma.

Existential uncertainty; Seeking our 'place in the universe'.

Lacking kindness, compassion, and love for ourselves.

What My Clients Say

"Vincent provided me with a space to see what prevented me from moving forward in life, to face past pain, and to express emotions I suppressed for many years. He helped me understand my limiting beliefs and helped me work through issues in my relationships. I feel more confident and worthy of relationship with myself and others." - S.

How do we connect?
I offer counseling globally via video and telephone calls, and locally (The Hague, NL) in person. As a South African living in The Netherlands I offer support in English, Afrikaans and Dutch. I also speak some German.

I value flexibility, so once we have connected, we can discuss your needs and plan our sessions from there. Further details can be found here.

It is natural to want to feel safe and comfortable with someone you wish to talk to. I offer a free video or phone conversation if you would like to ask me any questions about who I am and what I do, questions about counseling and coaching, or just questions about life. If you feel you want to reach out, simply send me an email to vincentleroysmith@protonmail.com and let me know you would like to chat. I'll get back to you shortly!

I look forward to meeting you.

I collaborate with AntiLoneliness, a company specializing in mental health services with a strong mission to support the wellbeing of the community. AntiLoneliness offers therapy and counseling sessions (face-to-face and online, individual, couples and family), and psychoeducational workshops for professionals and individuals. AntiLoneliness also offers therapeutic groups to those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, transition, expat life, relationship issues, unhappiness, and loneliness. Find more here: www.antiloneliness.com.

Counseling Session - Individual - In-person/Video/Phone: €95 (Euro) per hour session. VAT/BTW included.

Compassionate flexibility
I desire to help where I can. I understand times are difficult and we all live in different parts of the world with different economic means. If you want to talk, just reach out to me and together we will find a solution.